1&1 Merchants Are Live on Shippo!
The Shippo team is happy to announce that our partnership with ePages and their e-commerce channel partner 1&1 is live! Shippo is now the sole provider of shipping software and discounted shipping rates to all 1&1 customers.
1&1 merchants can now directly connect to Shippo and create shipping labels across multiple shipping carriers including USPS, DHL Express, FedEx, UPS, and, now, OnTrac. With Shippo’s heavily discounted USPS Priority Mail and DHL Express rates, merchants no longer need to use their own account credentials to manage separate shipping accounts. The 1&1 <> Shippo connection via ePages enables store owners to access multiple domestic and international carriers from one location and create labels in seconds. Shippo also offers the best USPS and DHL Express shipping rates on the market, offering discounts of up to 80% off retail rates for both carriers.
Shippo now serves as ePages’ core shipping partner for 1&1 merchants and will soon be available to e-commerce merchants on other ePages partner platforms. The seamless integration of Shippo’s multi-carrier shipping solution into the 1&1 experience gives businesses increased flexibility to focus on the e-commerce experience – their storefronts, product, and customers – rather than wasting time on complicated shipping processes.
Are you a 1&1 merchant? Here are the simple steps to connect your store to Shippo.
Shippo is a multi-carrier API and web app that helps retailers, marketplaces and platforms connect to a global network of carriers. Businesses use Shippo to get real-time rates, print labels, automate international paperwork, track packages and facilitate returns. Shippo provides the tools to help businesses succeed through shipping.
Looking for a multi-carrier shipping platform?
With Shippo, shipping is as easy as it should be.
- Pre-built integrations into shopping carts like Magento, Shopify, Amazon, eBay, and others.
- Support for dozens of carriers including USPS, FedEx, UPS, and DHL.
- Speed through your shipping with automations, bulk label purchase, and more.
- Shipping Insurance: Insure your packages at an affordable cost.
- Shipping API for building your own shipping solution.
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