Shippo Updates
Jul 30, 2019

10 Updates to Shippo That You Should Know About

We always look for ways to improve the Shippo experience for merchants. Sometimes we make big updates and releases (keep an eye peeled for some of these soon 👀). We also take time to review customer feedback and make tweaks to improve the experience. Here are 10 improvements that we made recently.

User Experience in The Shippo Web App

Responsive Global Navigation Bar – The first and most noticeable of the updates. If you ever use Shippo on mobile, you know what this is. Previously the sidebar navigation was fixed on all devices. We updated the navigation bar to collapse on smaller width devices. 

Highlight Search Terms In Dropdown – When you enter terms in the Shippo Search Bar, dropdown results now included highlights of the original search terms.

Better Form-Entry Experience – If you’ve ever lost your progress while filling out a Package Template or Sender Address, you’ll like this one. Now, while you’re entering information for Senter Address, Package Templates, Email Notification text, or Recipient Address, the form modals will not close from accidental clicks. 

Date Filters For Orders No Longer Require A Start Date – You can now apply date filters to your Orders page and only include an end date.

Show Creation Date On Shipments Page As MM/DD/YYYY – More clarity and consistency are good. 

Invoices and Billing

Improved Invoicing After You Update Your Payment Method – Now, Shippo will automatically retry previously-failed invoice payments after you update your account with a  payment method. 

Invoice Numbers With Invoice Items – With this update, each item on your Billing page now shows the corresponding invoice number and links to the actual invoice.

Detailed Insurance Costs On Shipments Page – Previously when you added insurance to an order when purchasing the label, the Shipments page indicated that the shipment is “Insured,” but the postage cost was a single figure that included the aggregate of the label fee and any add-ons, like Insurance and Signature Confirmation. Now your Shipments page shows the costs of both the label and any additional insurance. 

Account Settings and Configurations

Remove E-commerce Channel Connections – Moving to a new platform? Need to remove an old connection from your Shippo account? Previously you had to get in touch with our Customer Success team for them to assist in the process. They’re lovely folks and, of course, always there to help you with any of your shipping needs, but to make things easier for everyone, Shippo now supports self-service store removals. It only takes a few clicks from your E-commerce Channels page. 

Delete CSV Mapping Templates – Shippo allows you to create CSV templates that map various imported data columns to the fields required to create orders. These templates can save you a significant amount of time if you regularly upload CSV files with order data. However, until now, Shippo did not allow you to delete previously-created CSV templates that you no longer need. 

We hope that these updates make your experience with Shippo a little more seamless and enjoyable. We’re always looking for opportunities to improve. Have thoughts? Need help? Reach out to our team of shipping experts at

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Mario Paganini
likes running and eating vegetables. Previously worked at Shippo.

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