Mo' Natural ships soaps, lotions, progesterone oils, and other products to customers all across the continental U.S. and globally. It relies on Shippo's integration with Wix to ship orders across the globe.
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According to the World Health Organization, as much as 75 percent of the U.S. adult population does not meet the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Recommended Daily Intake of 420 mg of magnesium a day—and indeed, because magnesium is used very quickly by the body in today’s stressful world, people need a lot more. Kristy Kleinert’s own mineral deficiency in magnesium is where Mo’ Natural’s story begins.
Kristy started making her own soaps and lotions more than 16 years ago and developed a very small cottage industry customer base. It wasn’t until 2014 that her blood tests revealed a mineral deficiency which answered a lot of questions about her health issues.
Magnesium deficiency can lead to a variety of health problems, such as weak bones, fatigue, heart palpitations/arrhythmia or a weakened immune system. She began to research the topic intensively and learned that magnesium could be effectively absorbed through the skin. It is, in fact, the most favorable delivery system because it prevents digestive/bowel issues. Her research connected her to the Zechstein Mine in the Netherlands that could supply her with raw magnesium in its purest form.
The quest didn’t stop there. Since magnesium is a form of salt, its direct application to the skin could sting quite a bit. She decided she would make her own magnesium concoction using her expertise in formulating lotions.

Taking the Sting Out of Health Problems
Little did she know, there were swarms of people on Facebook groups talking about mineral deficiencies, including magnesium. These group members were looking for exactly what Kristy was offering. Today, “Mo’ Maggie,” a magnesium-rich multi-mineral lotion, is the star of all her products. She’s also had much success when customers then share the product with family and friends, and the cycle continues. In order to keep costs low, she has done little advertising. Her sales come from a mix of Amazon, wholesale clients, festivals, markets, and her own Wix-hosted website. Shippo has been her shipping partner throughout the entire journey.
She and her husband Karl ship her soaps, lotions, and progesterone oils and other products to customers all across the continental U.S. and globally. “It takes no time at all to print labels. It saves us time even whether we are uploading orders manually or syncing our Wix store,” said Karl.
A Mo’ Creative Career Path
Like many parents, Kristy discovered a lifelong hobby while in the process of raising her four children. She found herself amazed at how gratified she was through creative endeavors, such as branding her website or making soaps, lotions, and body products.
With an entrepreneurial spirit, she has run a home daycare/preschool, taught natural childbirth, done illustrating, and run a housekeeping service throughout her child-rearing years. “However, my passion was being creative and artistic,“ which always led her back to soap making. “I took it as a personal challenge to see if I could create something that was both helpful to people but also be able to engage with my children. Both of my younger children have special needs so this has been a challenge!” (Her youngest children are 17 and 15.)
“We pride ourselves on fulfilling and shipping orders on the same day, if possible,” says Karl, who oversees all of Mo’ Natural’s fulfillment. He loves that the addresses for return customers easily populate in the recipient fields without typing out the full address. “It’s definitely faster,” he added regarding Shippo’s new integration with Wix. “Especially when we get international orders because all the customs forms are right there.”
“Stress levels are lower,” says Kristy. “Karl doesn’t have to manually enter orders anymore—it’s a whole new vibe. A good one.”