Latest In Engineering
Oct 6, 2016

Announcing Updates to Our Package Tracking API

Shippo Tracking App

Using the Shippo Tracking API you’re able to get the tracking status of any shipment with a tracking number and knowledge of which carrier the package was shipped with.

We’ve recently made a number of updates to the package tracking API, providing more information about the package status, and allowing developers to add metadata to their tracking status requests.

Additional Tracking Data

Beyond getting the current shipment status and full tracking history, we’ve added new fields containing more information about the shipment:

  • address_from and address_to: which includes information about the city, state, zip code and country.
  • eta: estimated time of arrival of the shipment.
  • servicelevel: the service level that the shipment was sent with.

Add metadata to shipment tracking requests

The metadata is a free form field where any user-specific information can be added to the tracking number. To add metadata, you’ll need to send a POST request with your shipment information.

See our full documentation to the Tracking API, and how to use webhooks to get notified of shipment updates.

Here’s an example of how OrderCup, a leading ecommerce Shipping Application has implemented tracking for their customers. Any merchant managing storefronts through OrderCup is now able to follow shipment statuses and find historical information without having to go to the carrier’s website.

OrderCup tracking status

Tracking data is one of the best ways to sync your business operations with real-life activities and set customer expectations.

See our whitepaper: Shipping for Marketplaces to learn about how many different businesses have integrated shipping into different business operations such as alleviating customer support, improving customer experience, measuring fulfillment efficiency, and preventing fraud.

Shippo is a multi-carrier API and web app that helps retailers, marketplaces and platforms connect to a global network of carriers. Businesses use Shippo to get real-time rates, print labels, automate international paperwork, track packages and facilitate returns. Shippo provides the tools to help businesses succeed through shipping.

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